Outputting your Slideshow to Disc
When you have completed the creation of your slideshow, you can use the Create CD Wizard to burn it to disc (or file).
Click the "Create CD" button to display the wizard |
The first step allows you to review the images, videos and music that are used in the project. Click Next to display the following window:
Slideshow Format:
You will need to select your desired VCD Format:
VCD: | Has the widest compatibility but the quality is not as good as SVCD |
SVCD: | Has better quality than VCD but takes up more space on the CD than VCD |
XVCD: | Has the best quality (equivalent to a DVD) but takes up more space on the CD and is less compatible |
SXVCD: | Similar to XVCD format (equivalent quality to a DVD) but uses SVCD compatibility |
Image: |
Primarily for creating disk for auto-playback on computers, though some DVD players can display JPEG images |
Mainly for creating disk for auto-playback on computers, though supported by many DVD players too |
We recommend you first test the VCD format for compatibility and then use the SVCD if you require better quality. If you are creating disks primarily for playback on computers you should use the Image or MPEG format. View our VCD format definition for more information.
Slideshow Settings:
You need to specify the destination television format (More Info):
Stretch the slideshow to match the length of the background music:
If your background music is longer than the total display time specified for all of your images, you can set this option and DVD PixPlay will automatically stretch the display time for each of the images in your slideshow so that it completes at the same time as the background music
Highest Quality Conversion:
You can also choose whether to use standard encoding or the high-quality encoding algorithm. We recommend that you do not use the high-quality option, unless you are not satisfied with the VCD's you have created using standard quality, as the high-quality option is significantly slower (it will take around ten times as long to process the conversion step).
Slideshow Name: Allows you to specify the name of the CD and slideshow (also used for the filename if you selected MPEG format)
Automatic Cropping: When the ratio (width:height) of a source image does not match the ratio of the output slideshow then DVD PixPlay must add a border area to the image. This option options specifies that DVD PixPlay can crop a portion of the source image so that it better matches the output ratio (without modifying your original images). For example, if you specify a value of 20% and your image is taller than the output ratio then DVD PixPlay will ignore the top and bottom 10% of the source image (it may be less depending on the output ratio). If you specify 100% then your image will always take up the entire screen, but important portions from the edges of your photos may not be visible.
Margins: If you wish to leave space at the edges of the screen to ensure that your images are completely visible then you can specify values for the margins (generally you should leave this at zero).
Wide Screen: This function compresses the slideshow horizontally and sets the ratio flag to display it at a widescreen (16:9) ratio. It is not an official standard and may display with an odd aspect ratio on some players and particularly on computers. It works best with SVCD and XSVCD formats.
6. Write your CD
The final step of your slideshow creation is the compilation of the slideshow and writing it to CD.
Select your CD-ROM from the drop down list at the top and specify the write speed. If you have any problems you might want to reduce the write speed or modify the advanced settings.
If you are using a CD-RW and are not sure if it is blank, select the Erase option to clear all the existing content.
You can use the "Test" button to "pre-build" the slideshow and display it. |
When you are ready, insert a blank CD and click Finish. |